Saturday, August 13, 2011

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Everybody find going to hosptial costs people's many time. The ill condition and charge has a close relationship. People purchase many kinds of insurance ,including the medical treatment insurance. It is good for people to have a further treatment. Medical treatment insurance is helpful ,excellent for the ill people.
it would be better if everyone has medical insurance, which will feel more relax and safety. if you have medical insurance��you can apply for reimbursement of some or all of the expenses to insurance company orcommunity agency once you get sick. it is very important for family and the person. because of if uncertain things happen ,such as accident harm, major disease, medical insurance will give you security for your medical expense or even pay all your money. " For some of the old man had no children, health insurance is played a decisive role, they can be allowed to get care for free.
In many nations, government departments have established a comprehensive medical insurance system. In order to get better medical insurace services, we finally choose some of the commercial health insurance companies. It is necessary to pay attention someting when choosing commercial medical insurance companies. Does the institution has long been recognized by insurance rules Regulatory Commission. We should learn more about weather the company has enough money to deal with payment or not. The institution should really possess a massive reputation. Besides, we also inspect the company's reputation and the execution efficiency.
Finally in 2010,95% of American people has enjoyed the new medical insurance services. It's found that the new medical insurance program enhaanced the sense of stability of American's lives. It's very soon that Swedish government will submit new proposals for medical insurance reform program. Good medical insurance is a fundamental point of the country's Long-term stability.

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